داستان آبیدیک

محروم ساختن ـ محروم کردن

~ sâxtan, ~ kardan


1 Law:: disadvantage or deprive

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2 Law:: impoverish

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3 Law:: deprive or bar (from sth, a right, liberty, etc that is ordinarily due one); deny (having or enjoy sth justly or unjustly); divest; bereave; disbar (ie an attorney-at-law, and deny him legal practice, often due to his malpractice)

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4 Law:: debar : 1. to prevent from an action (government contractors debarred from sitting in parliament – J. H. Plumb, Webster’s( : shut out : exclude (custom debars certain persons from marriage( : bar from the possession, use or enjoyment of sth (cities like New York … are debarred from a share of modern tax revenues – A. A. Berle, Webster’s( 2. deprive (they barred him the sacrament – Webster’s( 3. to exclude from membership in a group or class (the qualifications debar most of the best applicants – Webster’s(

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5 Law:: bar (from) (bar s.o. from a competition(

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6 Law:: disqualify

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7 Law:: abridge (abridge a man of his rights(

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8 Law:: degrade (degraded from public office(

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9 Law:: exclude : to bar from participation, consideration, or inclusion (Interest – interest does not now exclude a witness from giving evidence – JBS(

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10 Law:: divest, less often devest : to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title

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11 Law:: disappoint (s.o. of sth) (Marshalling of assets – thus if A. has a claim on funds X and Y, and B only upon X; and A goes against X and thus disappoints B of his fund, B under this doctrine may go against Y fund to the extent that A had drawn upon X funds – JBS(

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12 Law:: estop : to stop, or impede; to prevent; to preclude, to bar, to prohibit (if a person is pitch-deaf, he is estopped from the skillful use of inflectional change in his voice – A. T. Weaver, Webster’s( (Estoppel – The law in some cases estops or prevents a person from alleging certain facts, which then cannot be proved by him – JBS(

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13 Law:: abdicate : disown, disinherit (a father who abdicates his son(

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